A SME [subject matter expert] delivering a workshop is a teacher. A mountaineer guiding a group to the summit is a teacher. A bartender presenting a cocktail class is a teacher.
You are the resident expert developing colleagues within your organization. Or, you are proudly representing your organization at a national symposium. At some point in your professional life you will be asked to train others. Invest in your leadership skills with Vanessa's "train the trainer" program. In a small group setting or with individual coaching you will get help with:
Content development and curriculum mapping. What do you want them to know; how will you know if they've learned it?
Understanding your audience. Assessment tools for pre and post assessment.
Using digital tools and learning management systems effectively. Ensure the content is your focus rather than the bells and whistles.
Engaging your audience. How will you encourage meaningful audience participation? How will you handle the reluctant learner?
Working with stage fright. It's not about overcoming your anxiety; it's learning to use that energy in a positive way.
Techniques for delivery including voice, breath, and body language for both in person and virtual settings.
You are passionate about your expertise, and you want to share your knowledge with others. Invest in yourself and let your mastery shine. Click below to contact Vanessa.