"Vanessa's approach is always curious and is never dogmatic. She wants to understand the student so she can help them find their best match in higher education. Throughout the process Vanessa encourages autonomy and self-reflection, treating the student as a maturing young adult who has the capacity to make well informed but challenging decisions. While its not a “life coaching” service, Vanessa’s methodology helped our daughter to develop in confidence and competence." Mary Beth
"Thank you so much [Vanessa] for the invaluable support you provided to our daughter throughout her college application journey. Your guidance played a crucial role during this life-changing experience for her. We are deeply grateful for your help and expertise." John
"The college application process is complicated and time consuming. As a parent, knowing that an experienced professional was regularly engaging our student in this process provided an invaluable peace of mind. Furthermore, if there were specific parental tasks to be accomplished Vanessa would ensure that we were aware of the process and the deadlines. There is no doubt in my mind that Vanessa’s expertise and engagement saved me and my wife hours of angst." Robert