This is an International Baccalaureate English Literature Class; standards are set (in part) by the I. B. Organization. The work is accelerated and demands that students develop abilities in the field of literary criticism as well as continuing their progress in reading, writing, speaking and critical thinking. It is also hoped that this course will strengthen your interest in reading literature. The readings, linked by the concept of 'literature as social commentary' may include:
We will supplement all texts with selected short stories, poems, non-fiction texts, essays, and films. It is recommended that you buy each book we study, allowing you to directly interact with the text as you read by making notes and marks. Also, since we will revisit the novels throughout the year, owning your own copy facilitates this. Throughout the year, the focus will be on the development of a literary vocabulary and a literary viewpoint. Through a combination of reading, writing, listening, speaking, and critical thinking, you will practice the skills necessary in the deconstruction, analysis and evaluation of literature. Two major IB assessments take place in the junior year making up 40% of your overall IB grade for the 2-year course: